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Grüezi, Servus,Welcome!

DTP-C  / Who is it?

We are an open community of creators, entrepreneurs, scientists, design thinking coaches, facilitators, corporate executives, managers and innovation leaders. We are interdisciplinary and creative. We are an open community to promote

DTP-C / What is special?

The DTP community lives the design Thinking Mindset. We share our knowledge, have a positive attitude and carry this spirit into the implementation of our daily challenges. This is how we have managed not only to establish design thinking globally, but also to continually develop the Mindset through new perspectives.

DTP-C / Why joining?

As a DTP community member, you have free access to a unique network. In addition, you will find exciting news and know when the relevant events take place. Of course you have access to new methods and tools that the community develops and discusses in the near future.

  • Sauvonnet, M. und Blatt, M. (2017): Wo ist das Problem? Vahlen Verlag

  • Uebernickel, F. und Brenner, W. (2015): Design Thinking Handbuch. Frankfurter Alllgemeine Buch

  • Carleton, T. und Cockayne, W. (2013): Playbook for Strategic Foresight & Innovation,

  • Gerstbach, I. (2016): Design Thinking in Unternehmen. Gabal Verlag

  • Brown, T. (2016): Change by Design. Vahlen Verlag

  • Osterwalder, A. et al (2015): Value Proposition Design. Campus Verlag

  • Kumar, V. (2012): 101 Design Methods. John Wiley & Sons

  • Taylor, C. (2015): Kreativität der Menschen. Schreibstube Volz

  • van Lieshout, M. et al (2016): Design a better business. John Wiley & Sons

  • Carleton, T. und Cockayne, W. (2016), Playbook for Strategic Foresight and Innovation

DTP-C / TOP 10  Buchempfehlungen aus der dtp community 
Design Thinking Handbuch

DTP Experts

Armin Ledergerber
Elena Bonanomi
Jan-Erik Baars
Mario Gurschler
Stjin Ossevort
Natalie Jäggi
Daniel Osterwalder
Emmanuel Sauvonnet
Jana Lev
Natalie Breitschmid
Tamara Carleton
Thomas Eppler
Dominic Hurni
Isabelle Hauser
Markus Blatt
Sophie Bürgin
William Cockayne
Mike Johnson
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